Good Design is...
1. Begins in Analog. A pen, a piece of paper, and your brain. This trinity of creativity is fundamental.
2. Is thought driven, not tool driven. The easy way out is to allow the tools to control your design decisions.  Don’t let that happen.  Design is not about choosing easy.
3. Is delightfully human. Despite our best efforts, no design is ever perfect, or complete.
4. Is fluid. In an evolving market,  it continues to find new purpose. We must always adopt and harness new technology to our benefit.
5. Is considerate of its users, its purpose, and its environment. The design cannot be forced to do something it cannot do. Good design is natural, elegant, and in tune,  Aesthetically and practically. It’s a gut feeling. 
6. Is an experience that continues to delight past its initial encounter.  From day 1 until day 3476, or thereabouts, the enjoyment of the design must have residual appeal.
7. Can save the world...Or destroy it.  Designers must take responsibility and use their voice for what is cherished and what ends in the trash heap.
8. Is service minded. An exceptional design comes from an exceptional process that includes all stakeholders in exceptional communication.
9. Tells a story: It sells itself.
10. Takes Time. Despite the time-saving tools that are created to speed up workflow, we still need time to think it through. Rushed design is poor design.
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